Tuesday, December 20, 2005


This was a building in Central. I like the perspective of this. Posted by Picasa

Wobbly Bridge

This bridge is a work of art. Really nice Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 08, 2005


I think they actually spent money on the xmas lights this year
 Posted by Picasa

St Martins in the Field

I thikn this place is Stmartins in the field. Any way with film i always miss the law of reciprocity. basically when you stick a long exposure on a film it does strange effects to the picture. With digital i have noticed that you get similar effects. ... i am positive the sky didnt look like this. or maybe its because i cant see in the dark ?? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 03, 2005


Not sure what this is about. but in black and white it makes an interesting poster.  Posted by Picasa

Center point absailing

An altered photo, originally in B&W, i added a tabbacco colour filter to the pic. and made it more contrasty to highten the mood. Also if you look to the top right you can see a little man absaliing down the building :o) Posted by Picasa